Silver Lining

Before the COVID-19 lockdown, my life, like many, rushed by at a frantic pace. I was frazzled trying to keep up with the demands of work and family. I stopped doing what I love most: writing. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering, mentally, physically, financially and otherwise because of this virus. It’s not an easy time and most of us have never experienced anything like this in our lifetime. Yet, for some, there can be a silver lining. It’s easy to fall into a malaise, a Netflix induced stupor or allow anxiety and boredom to creep in. My mother who paints says she doesn’t feel like painting, and I don’t feel like writing most days, but that’s exactly what we must do. We must push ourselves to learn and do something every day. When all this is over, and it will be over, wouldn’t it be great to say, I learned ten new recipes, I worked on my garden, read the Bible, started a meditation practice, a business, a book, practiced a language,  got in touch with friends and relatives? The list is endless. Whatever it is that you have always wanted to do, but could never find the time for, now you have the time. There are days when I feel low at being isolated from the world and I have to talk myself out of it. Isn’t TIME what I’ve been asking for? Wasn’t I wishing to sit down for meals with my family instead of eating on the run on the way to my kids’ track and baseball practices?

Before the entire world shutdown, a friend of mine in Jamaica went to Italy and was quarantined for two weeks as soon as she came back to Jamaica. She wasn’t even able to go home. To be honest, and as crazy as I sound, I envied her. I wanted two weeks locked in a building away from everything with only my computer and a notepad. It would force me to work on my writing. Now I’m on lockdown. I fall into a malaise, I get lazy, I turn on Netflix. Then I catch myself. I have time. I finally have time to read the books I’ve been meaning to read, to eat dinner with my family, to keep in touch with friends and family and to write. What have you been meaning to do?  


Perils of Perfectionism


Masks in Public Please!