Liam and the Lizard | Illustrated by Anindita Modak

Liam is born in Canada but his parents are Jamaican. He goes on vacation to Jamaica and discovers lizards. He wants a lizard for a pet but to his surprise, his family members are reluctant to catch one for him. They are either too busy or too afraid. Finally, his great-grandmother catches a small lizard for Liam and Liam decides to take it back to Canada. He names it Little Dinosaur, puts it in his pocket and boards the plane. The plane is crowded so Liam is sitting beside a woman who appears sad. He wants to cheer her up so he shows her his friend. She screams and knocks the matchbox holding Little Dinosaur over. Little Dinosaur lands on a woman's head. Someone wants to call 911. A man jumps into a stranger's lap. People are terrfied of a tiny lizard and the plane is in commotion. Liam's parents explain that Little Dinosaur doesn't belong in Canada where it's cold in the winter. He needs lots of sunshine all the time and other lizards to play with. Liam is in tears. He has lost his friend. The pilot comes out the cockpit to see what all the fuss is about. He explains that lizards are cold-blooded and he promises to take Little Dinosaur back to Jamaica. The pilot keeps his promise. Back in Canada, Liam gets a pet.


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